
Thursday, 9 January 2020

What would you take?

              What would you take?
On my journey on the ship the 10 different items of food I would take would be in the food categories of protein, carbohydrates, fruit and veges and some sort of sweets and calcium. these types of different food categories will help me to stay healthy on my journey.

Number one would be potatoes,potatoes would also be a good source of carbohydrates and they last well without a fridge or freezer. it is also good for different meals. These are also vegetables. They are easy to cook. 

Number two would be tinned tuna. I think this would be a good idea because tinned food has a long period of life. Tuna is a good source of protein and tastes great. It doesn't consume a lot of space. 

Number three would be a real alive chicken. The reason behind this is that this would produce eggs and chicken. This is again protein and good for me. I can use eggs and chicken with basically everything. 

Number four would be bread mix. This means that I can make bread by just adding water. This will not go off as normal bread would. This is carbohydrates so it will give you energy for life on the boat. 

Number five would be dried fruit because this will last longer Than normal fruit would because there is no fridge or freezer.  This will help me get my 5+ a day. It is also a natural sugar and also tastes fabulous. Some examples would be dried apricot, dried banana and dried mango.

Number six would be nuts and scroggin. This is a mixture between nuts, raisins and seeds and you can customise it to your liking. This is also a great source of protein that my body will need on the long period i am on the ship for. It keeps well. 

Number seven would be rice. Rice is a carbohydrate. It also would stay well on the ship. This food also goes with many other types of food. 

Number eight would be chocolate. I would take this because it would be a nice treat on board the ship. It will give me some energy and it also has calcium in it. This is also very nice to eat.

Number nine would be coconut. This would be an easy fruit to get because they grow on trees. I would get this before going on the ship. it has natural sugars and I can also use this for coconut water and milk. 

Number ten would be fish. But I don't have to take this as I can catch it off the boat. And then I can eat it as soon as I catch it. It gives me protein.